Edco Competition (early, 144 BCD)
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Edco Competition (early, 144 BCD)
Brand:  Edco
Primary Group:  Competition
Years:  Mid 1980's
Country:  Switzerland
Weight:  692 grams (Actual),
Weighed on digital scale
Added By: Chombi on 12/01/11
Updated By: peterbman on 07/31/17
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Edco Competition (early, 144 BCD)Edco Competition (early, 144 BCD)
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Chainring CountDoubleBCD 144mm
BB StyleSquare Taper (ISO)Pedal Threads9/16" x 20 (English)
BB Length Flutes None
Lengths 170; 172.5; 175Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsEdco CompetitionBack Markings"O" and "B" Not sure what they mean
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
General Information
I think this is the earliest 144 BCD version of the Edco Competition crankset. The later versions were, I believe, 130 BCD also posted on this database, that definitely had shorter spider arms than this first version. This particular set also does not have the "Made in Switzerland" marking under the "Competition" label on the drive arm, but has it on the left non-drive arm. Chainrings look very much like they were made by Stronglight, but does not have they usual "S" engraved on them. I suspect that Stronglight was a supplier to Edco back then, just as Simplex was. The dust caps are also very similar to what is used on some mid 80's Stronglight cranks, specifically the Delta. Crank weight is surprisingly not that light compared to other cranks. Shape is not as unique as when it first came out as Campagnolo came out with cranks that look very similar. But proptions on this one is still very pleasing after over 30 years.
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CompetitionEdcoRoad RaceView 23 Components
Brand Information(click to expand)
Emanuel Lowi: Edco (Edouard Dubied et Cie) was primarily a major manufacturer of machinery for the textile industry and was in existence for more than a century -- it closed finally in 1988... Bicycle components were a sideline. Company history here in French: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edouard_Dubied_%26_Cie
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