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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Sugino
Brand:  Sugino
Years:  Late 1970's - Late 1980's
Country:  Japan
Weight:  600 grams,
not acurate measuring
Added By: zidortri on 01/31/15
Updated By: zidortri on 01/31/15
Additional Photos - click for full size
Chainring CountDoubleBCD 110mm
BB StyleSquare Taper (JIS)Pedal Threads9/16" x 20 (English)
BB Length 119Flutes Crank Arm
Lengths 170Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsSuper Maxy on each crankBack MarkingsFORGED JAPAN 170 + I11 on right crank & I9 on left crank
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
General Information
This is one of the first modern compact crankset featuring a five-arm 110BCD spider where both inner and outer ring are removable. And unlike later alloy crankset prove to be quite stylish - vaguely reminding the shapes of Stronglight 93 or 105 cranksets. The drive side is not made of one single piece of forged alloy ; instead it consists of a spider crimped onto the right crank. This could prove less sturdy or reliable than a one-piece drive arm/spider but actually I have not heard of any incident and this crankset was extensively used on a mountain bike.

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Brand Information(click to expand)
Sugino is a Japanese manufacturer of road and track bicycle components, founded in Nara, Japan, in 1910. It made chainsets and chainrings. It fell on hard times in the early 90s and became smaller. The company still makes bicycle components.
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