Favorit Special (1st type)
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Category:  Rear Derailleurs
Name:  Favorit Special (1st type)
Brand:  Favorit
Years:  Early 1970's - ?
Country:  Czechoslovakia
Added By: peterbman on 12/04/16
Updated By: peterbman on 12/04/16
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Favorit Special (1st type)
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Outer Plate MarkingsFAVORITInner Plate Markings
MaterialAluminum AlloyDesign Category
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Favorit Rokycany was a major Czechoslovak manufacturer of road and racing bicycles.  


During the later 1950s the Favorit brand  made two cycles which would feature as perhaps the top of their range. One was four speed racer, steel frames nicely lugged, alloy components such as sidepull brakes, bars, stem of a Girder style, the chainwheel was steel chromed, the wheels were alloy rims (perhaps 650), hubs were alloy and there were rather pretty Favorit wingnuts on the axles.The tyres were tubulars by Czech firm Barum. The eight speed variant was much the same as the four speed . The chainwheel was a double type in chromed steel suffice to say modeled on the pedigree Simplex variant of the 40s and 50s. The deraileur was a toggle type as common in the 50s.The FWD was a steel fabrication as was the rear.The model was used for racing and regarded as deluxe top lightweight cycle of the Eastern Bloc countries save but for the East German Diamant. This model was featured in a Venetian Blue colour predominantly and  it had the distinctive Favorit script on the down bars. Later about 1962 a factory Favorit was seen in multicoloured original paint finish. During the Communist Era these cycles were virtually legal tender as waiting lists were normal. Second hand models were bought at premium.

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