Normandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flange)
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Category:  Hubs
Name:  Normandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flange)
Brand:  Maillard
Model:  Luxe Competition (Red Label)
Years:  Mid 1970's - Early 1980's
Country:  France
Weight:  115 grams (Actual),
front small flange
Added By: cinco on 12/09/07
Updated By: Wolfram Verktyg on 11/14/15
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Normandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flaNormandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flaNormandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flaNormandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flaNormandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flaNormandy Luxe Competition (red label, low fla
Gear Compatibility FreewheelFront Bearing Size/Count3/16" / 12x12
Rear Bearing Size/Count1/4" / 9x9Rear Spacing120mm; 122mm
Spoke Drilling28; 32; 36Flange SizeSmall and large flange available
Gear Threading/Pattern English/ISO: 1.375 x 24 TPI;
French: 1.366" x 25.4 tpi
Body MarkingsNormandy Luxe Competition Made in France
Axle MaterialSteelShell MaterialAluminum
General Information
The Normandy Luxe Competition hubs moved from their top model to the mid range in 1973 when the Maillard 700 hubs were introduced. The front hubs originally came with the French standard 96mm OLN width rather than the industry standard 100mm width.

The early rear hubs used the same 15.5mm diameter cones that the original Luxe Competition hubs used. the later versions had 17.75mm diameter cones that may have been the same size as the low end Normandy Sport hubs.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
 Hubs, pedals and freewheels maker. Between 1950 and the late 60's, absorbed smaller companies Atom (freewheels, pedals) and Normandy (hubs), whose brands survived on a number of Maillard-made products until the early 80's.
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