Dia-Compe 981
Main Photo
Category:  Brakes
Name:  Dia-Compe 981
Brand:  Dia-Compe
Model:  981
Years:  1980's
Country:  Japan
Weight:  320 grams
Added By: JFischer on 12/03/07
Updated By: JFischer on 05/27/09
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Dia-Compe 981Dia-Compe 981Dia-Compe 981
Design Category CantileverCable Adjuster
Quick Release Yes - Straddle CableAttachment Bolt TypeDual Post Braze-on
Cable Attachment BoltStraddle Cable - Single EndedFront of Arm MarkingsDC
Back of Arm MarkingsJapan 981Reach CategoryCantilever
Min Reach22mmMax Reach27mm
General Information

Most often found on early to mid 80's Touring and early mountain bikes.

Stroke: 25mm +/- 2.5mm

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Brand Information(click to expand)

Dia-Compe is a bike part manufacturer that specializes in bicycle brake components and other bike accessories. The founder started by making bicycle brakes in 1930. Since then, Dia-Compe has adapted a new technique, “Aluminum Cold Forge Technology,” and evolved into a leading manufacturer of bike parts and brake accessories. As this brand is known for producing high-quality bike components, there are a wide variety of products including drivetrain components, brake pads, steering components, brakes, bike brake levers and shifters for different types of bikes. Dia-Compe parts are also available in various sizes.

Dia-Compe offers a line of drivetrain components such as bearing retainers, alloy cable tips and cable ferrules. As for steering components, Dia-Compe produces top cap parts, crown races and headsets in different sizes. As for brakes and shifters, you will find a nice selection of cantilevers, calipers and small parts such as washers, nuts and adjusting barrels.

Cyclists often prefer Dia-Compe products because they are known to be sturdy, reliable and relatively affordable. While there are lots of bike part manufacturers out there, Dia-Compe is one of the most trusted brands. Their parts are also readily available and easily accessible.

President : Kozo Yoshigai
Headquarters : 7-25, Higashi-Ebata Cho, Kadoma City,
Osaka 571-0008, Japan
TEL : +81-72-884-8020   FAX : +81-72-885-8030
E-mail : info@diacompe.co.jp  URL : http://www.diacompe.co.jp

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