Unica-Nitor 50
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Category:  Saddles
Name:  Unica-Nitor 50
Brand:  Unica-Nitor
Model:  50
Years:  Early 1960's - ?
Country:  Italy
Weight:  326 grams (Actual),
Weight is for stock item
Added By: The Alterkakker on 12/10/09
Updated By: Bill Kloos on 06/28/15
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Unica-Nitor 50Unica-Nitor 50Unica-Nitor 50Unica-Nitor 50Unica-Nitor 50Unica-Nitor 50Unica-Nitor 50
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Base Material PlasticCovering Material N/A (No Covering)
Rail MaterialManganeseWidth165 mm
Length274Rail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing)
General Information
Unica-Nitor made two plastic models of saddles, the 50 (undrilled) and the 55 (drilled under the rump-contact points). Many of us drilled ours even more, as it lightened them a tiny bit, and more importantly softened the hard plastic enough to make them almost comfortable. The Unica-Nitor brand was purchased by Cinelli in the late 50's or early 60's, but Cinelli kept the Unica-Nitor branding on the saddles, as the covered models were very popular. If you have one of those with a torn or worn-out cover, you can remove the cover and padding and underneath it (at least on the 60's models) you will find one of these Unica-Nitor 50 saddles, complete with logo. The model shown in the pic has been lightened substantially by installing a hollow manganese-tubed seat-rail assembly made by Harlan Meyer (Hi-E Incorporated of Nashville TN). He made a replacement seat rail for the Cool Gear line of seats that, with minor modifications, would also fit the solid-steel-railed Unica-Nitor saddles.
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