Erta Appoggia Mano
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Category:  Brake Levers
Name:  Erta Appoggia Mano
Brand:  Erta
Years:  N/A
Country:  Italy
Added By: peterbman on 01/22/16
Updated By: peterbman on 01/25/16
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Erta Appoggia ManoErta Appoggia ManoErta Appoggia ManoErta Appoggia ManoErta Appoggia ManoErta Appoggia ManoErta Appoggia Mano
StyleReturn Spring 
Quick Release Cable Adjuster
Lever Material Lever Markings
Body Material AluminumHood/Body MarkingsErta Appoggia Mano
Attachment Bolt Access  
General Information
"Appoggia Mano" means "hand rest." Brian Samson: "When you pull back on the lower part of the lever, the steel cage inside the cast housing pivots about the rear pin. There must be an unseen extension of the lever inside the cage, that stops the lever from pivoting relative to the cage when operated this way. When you pull up on the forward-pointing part of the lever, just the lever pivots on the forward pin located in the steel cage." Marten Gerritsen: "It works by having two pivots. With normal braking the lever cannot turn on the first pivot (as it is against a stop), so it rotates on the hinge closest to the bar. The lever moves together with the sheetmetal surround. ... The cable is fitted trough the hole in the lever body shown in one of the pictures."
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