Panaracer Tour Guard
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Category:  Tires
Name:  Panaracer Tour Guard
Brand:  Panaracer
Model:  Tour Guard 200
Years:  Mid 1980's - Mid 1990's
Country:  Japan
Weight:  220 grams (avg)
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Added By: fftulip on 07/25/11
Updated By: daveross on 03/13/13
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Panaracer Tour GuardPanaracer Tour GuardPanaracer Tour Guard
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Label MarkingsTOUR GUARD ARAMID (or KEVLAR) (some marked "RS")Tire TypeTubular
Sizes700c x 19; 700c x 20Max PSI 
Sidewall TypeNylon?Designed Use Pista / Track; Road Race;
General Information
My collection of these tires all have an "RS" designation - I don't know what it means. They've been great, and have lasted for almost 30 years of occasional rides. but I haven't used them on rough roads. The slick tread pattern is great on the track, and at 210g and 120psi they perform pretty much like a pista tire.

My Tour Guard RS tires all measure between 20mm and 21mm when fully inflated. The "200" weighs 210g, the "240" comes in at 250g on my postal scale.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
 Company started in 1948, in 1978 they started to exclusively manufacture bicycle tires.
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WeightSourceNotesAdded By
200 GramsSpec fftulip
240 GramsSpecactual weights about +10g daveross
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