Continental SuperSport Ultra
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Category:  Tires
Name:  Continental SuperSport Ultra
Brand:  Continental
Model:  Super Sport
Years:  Late 1980's - ?
Country:  Germany
Added By: bik3porn on 09/28/14
Updated By: Tombo on 02/07/16
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Continental SuperSport UltraContinental SuperSport UltraContinental SuperSport UltraContinental SuperSport Ultra
Label MarkingsContinental; {size};
Made in Germany;
max. {pressure};
Tire TypeClincher
Sizes700c x 25; 700x18CMax PSI 120 (700x25C); 135 (700x18C)
Sidewall TypeSkinwallDesigned Use Road Race; Road Training
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Continental Super SportContinental
Brand Information(click to expand)
 The Continental AG (in Germany commonly known as Conti) is today one of world's largest tire manufacturers. Most bicycle tire production is located in Korbach where tubular tires are still handmade. In the early years they were very successful (for example, in the years 1896 and 1897 they paid out a 55%-dividend!) and have grown from a plant with 250 employees in 1875 up to 13.000 in 1914. This rapid development originates from the prosperity of the bicycle industry, itself quickened by the invention of the pneumatic tire.
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