Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)
Main Photo
Category:  Front Derailleurs
Name:  Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)
Brand:  Campagnolo
Primary Group:  (Nuovo) Gran Sport
Model:  3600/NT
Years:  Mid 1980's
Country:  Italy
Added By: Gazelleer on 09/02/17
Updated By: Gazelleer on 09/02/17
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Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran Sport (wing logo)
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# Rings Designed For DoubleOuter Plate MarkingsCampagnolo Wing Logo
Inner Plate MarkingsBREV. CAMPAGNOLOClamp MarkingsCAMPAGNOLO
Inner Clamp MarkingsNoneDesign CategoryParallelogram
Pivot Arm MarkingsNonePlate MaterialSteel
Clamp Style28.6mm ClampCable Attachment Bolt8mm Wrench
CableStop NoClamp Bolt Type8mm Wrench
Max Ring Difference 11T  
General Information

This variation carries the wing logo instead of the more common world logo. I suspect it is the final variation of the Nuovo Gran Sport before it was superseded by the Triomphe/Victory range.

The Nuovo Valentino carried the wing logo for a longer time but this cage is chromed, not galvanised like the Nuovo Valentino. Moreover, the parallelogram arms are the round ones of the Nuovo Gran Sport/Record not the flat, sheet metal ones of the Nuovo Valentino.

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Component VariationsView Detailed List  Manage Variations
Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 2)BrandGroup
Campagnolo 3600/NT, Gran SportCampagnolo(Nuovo) Gran Sport
Component Groups
Primary Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
(Nuovo) Gran Sport (1974-198X)Campagnolo1974 - , Sport & RecreationView 20 Components
Details:  The reintroduction of the "Gran Sport" name in the mid 70's found the group situated below the "Record" groups in the Campagnolo line up. 
This group was eventually phased out in the early to mid 80's with the introduction of the Victory and Triomphe groups. According to the comments in the '85 Campa catalogue e.g. the G.S. crankset (#0304), the pedals (#3700) and the BB (#3331) - or at least the G.S. axle (#3332) - were "no more available and replaced by the Victory range..."
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