OMAS Bottle Cage
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Category:  Small Parts & Accessories
Name:  OMAS Bottle Cage
Brand:  OMAS
Model:  180
Years:  1970's - 1980's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  49 grams
Added By: BlankCrows on 10/13/07
Updated By: surplusruss on 07/20/12
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OMAS Bottle CageOMAS Bottle CageOMAS Bottle CageOMAS Bottle Cage
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Part Type Bottle CageIdentifying Markings "O.M.A.S." on the black head piece;
"Made In Italy" on back of same.
MaterialAluminum AlloyLocation 
General Information
O.M.A.S. stands for Officina Meccanica Armando Simoni, a company from Bologna, Italy.
From Classic Rendezvous......

From the 1984 Bicycle Parts Pacific catalog, courtesy Chuck Schmidt:


O.M.A.S. was established near Bologna, Italy in 1960. Initially they manufactured special automobile carburation parts for the world-famous E. WEBER carburator company, a relationship that continues to this day. In 1962, O.M.A.S. began to supply the firm Ruota Amadori, a maker of top-quality magnesium-aloy wheels for cars and motorcycles. This firm eventually was absorbed by the Vincenza company, Brevetta Internazionale Campagnolo. O.M.A.S. then began to manufacture various components of the Campagnolo group, collaborating with Campagnolo until 1977. (They supplied the titanium bolts and ti pedal and BB axles for the Super Record group --ed)

Meanwhile, in 1974, some avid cyclists had proposed that O.M.A.S. make some pieces in special light alloys in order to lighten their bikes. Finding that the components did well in rigorous competition, O.M.A.S. decided to manufacture them in 1975, using the same severe standards required by the carburation industry.

Since then, O.M.A.S. has expanded their line to include hubs, headsets, bottle cages, crank and bottom bracket sets -- with other components in the works. O.M.A.S. research and development rests to a large degree on the advice of world class cyclists, but this advice is combined with the most advanced metallurgy and engineering techniques, along with unbelievable quality-control (O.M.A.S. allows not less than one year between initial experimentation and production, and not less than one-and-a-half years before commercial marketing). This combination produces bicycle components that have quickly established a new industry standard for excellence".
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