Galli Criterium (roller bearing)
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Category:  Bottom Brackets
Name:  Galli Criterium (roller bearing)
Brand:  Galli
Primary Group:  Criterium
Years:  Late 1970's - 1980's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  289 grams (Actual),
This set has 115.4 mm axle
Added By: JFischer on 02/24/08
Updated By: peterbman on 03/06/18
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Galli Criterium (roller bearing)Galli Criterium (roller bearing)Galli Criterium (roller bearing)Galli Criterium (roller bearing)
Bearing Size/Count per sideRoller BearingSpindle Markings
Fixed Cup MarkingsBrev. Galli R-1.370" x 24F.Adjustable Cup MarkingsBrev. Galli L-1.370" x 24F.
Spindle StyleSquare Taper (JIS)Axle MaterialSteel
Available ThreadingsEnglish/ISO: 1.370 x 24;
Italian: 36mm x 24
Tools NeededSpanner, Locknut Wrench and Fixed Cup Wrench  
General Information
From ebay auction by pacebicyclehaven: Hardened alloy steel races, precision ground and polished, inside aluminum alloy cups. Genuine tapered roller bearings (not needle bearings) are extremely durable and long-lasting, expecially as compared to ball bearings of similar size. 113.25mm overall-length spindle is exactly midway between pre- and post-1978 Campagnolo spindles (which were 112mm pre-1978, and 114.5 post-CPSC regulations) and should work just fine with either one, and also with any of the many Campy copies, as well as with many various other doubles and 'low-profile' triples. The fact that both cups (not just the left cup) are adjustable with lockrings means that it is much easier to fine-tune the chainline to suit different cranksets and any individual preferences.
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Component Groups
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CriteriumGalliView 14 Components
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 Dates are approximate.  We know they closed their doors in the late 80's, and the catalog information below states that they had been open for a half century when it was written, so the mid 30's would be close.

The Galli Aerodynamic KL and Criterium groups were available in Gold, Silver, Dark Blue and Black!  Most of those shown are of the black and silver varieties.

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