Selle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later version)
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Category:  Seat Posts
Name:  Selle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later version)
Brand:  Selle San Marco
Model:  G.S. (non fluted; later version)
Years:  1980's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  286 grams (Actual), for 26.2mm
Added By: Tombo on 06/04/16
Updated By: Tombo on 06/04/16
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Selle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later versiSelle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later versiSelle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later versiSelle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later versiSelle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; later versi
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Markings"BREV" on front;
"G.S." (in script) on back;
{diameter} stamped on head on drivechain side;
"STOP" (arrow down to min.-insertline);
MaterialLight Alloy
Shaft DesignSmoothSaddle Attachment StyleSingle bolt
Saddle Attachment Bolt Size(s)6mm Allen KeyOverall Length 200mm
Max Height 130mmSetback 25mm
General Information
This seems to be a later (80-90's) version of the Gran Sport seat post from San Marco, which is some grams lighter compared to the earlier version & with a 6mm allen key bolt (instead of the 5mm on the earlier version). It has some kind of a "reinforcing ring" between the upper part of the post and the head of the seatpost, which the earlier version doesn't.

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Selle San Marco G.S. (non fluted; earlier version)Selle San Marco
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