Spécialités TA #4690 Pista (20mm platform cage)
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Category:  Pedals
Name:  Spécialités TA #4690 Pista (20mm platform cage)
Brand:  Spécialités TA
Model:  4690
Years:  N/A
Country:  France
Added By: JFischer on 12/23/10
Updated By: JFischer on 12/23/10
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Spécialités TA #4690 Pista (20mm platform cagSpécialités TA #4690 Pista (20mm platform cagSpécialités TA #4690 Pista (20mm platform cagSpécialités TA #4690 Pista (20mm platform cag
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Pedal TypeQuillPedal Threading14mm x 1.25mm (French);
9/16" x 20 (English)
Bearing SizeBody / Cage MaterialsAluminum Alloy
Axle MaterialSteel  
General Information
Lightweight aluminum body and cages. With grease port.  These include a 20mm platform cage!!  I guess that would be useful for putting your saddle even higher in the air, and thus creating an even more aggressive position on the bike?  Who knows, but what ever the reason I'm sure there aren't that many pairs like this out there.
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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 4)BrandGroup
Spécialités TA #4690 PistaSpécialités TA
Spécialités TA #4690 StradaSpécialités TA
Spécialités TA #4690 Strada (later version)Spécialités TA
Brand Information(click to expand)

First introduced alloy chainrings which were used on a number of other company's crankarms, TA soon move on to producing their own crank arms as well and then expanded into other products.

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