Spidel (Stronglight) 105bis
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Spidel (Stronglight) 105bis
Brand:  Spidel
Model:  105bis
Years:  Late 1970's - Mid 1980's
Country:  France
Added By: CV-6 on 08/03/07
Updated By: cudak888 on 12/15/11
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Spidel (Stronglight) 105bisSpidel (Stronglight) 105bis
Chainring CountDoubleBCD 122mm
BB StyleSquare Taper (ISO)Pedal Threads14mm x 1.25mm (French)
BB Length 118mm x 68mmFlutes Crank Arm
Lengths 165; 170; 172.5; 175; 177.5; 180Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsSpidel on arms, rings marked Stronglight, dustcap marked StronglightBack MarkingsMade In France. Modelle Depose
Extractor Threading 23.35x1mm (Stronglight)  
General Information
Spidel was a consortium of French companies attempting to counter the Japanese complete group concept.  Stronglight, Maillard, Simplex were some of the companies involved.   While marked 14 x 1.25mm, these have been retapped 9/16 x 20.  They were available both ways.
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Component VariationsView Detailed List  Manage Variations
Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 4)BrandGroup
Spidel (Stronglight) 105 bis (later version)Spidel
Stronglight 105 BisStronglight
Stronglight 105 ter (black rings)Stronglight
Component Groups
Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
Serie Sport Ref 01SpidelRoad RaceView 13 Components
Brand Information(click to expand)
 Spidel was not a component maker but a meta-brand created in the late 70's-early 80's by Stronglight, Simplex and a few other producers (Mafac, Atom/Maillard) in order to market some higher-end components to customers who were starting to shift to Shimano (or had been using Campagnolo for years already...).
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