Main Photo
Category:  Brakes
Name:  Jeay
Brand:  Jeay
Years:  Late 1900's - ?
Country:  France
Added By: peterbman on 01/20/17
Updated By: peterbman on 01/20/17
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Design Category Cable Adjuster
Quick Release Attachment Bolt Type
Cable Attachment BoltFront of Arm Markings
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General Information
eBay Seller bi-cyclepower: "The JEAY brake business was founded in 1902 by Célestin Jeay. He was succeeded by Marcel Jeay who continued to manufacture the M. JEAY brake for almost half a century.

This NIB C. JEAY rear brake was based on a patent filed by Célestin Jeay on November 7, 1903. The brake lever that came with it is similar to one that had a patent file date of December 8, 1908. The cable system for operating it was under licence of Bowden. I am including a link to a website that shows copies of original patents and advertisements for this brake and lever:

The brake is actually suspended between the cable housing stop and the spring loaded clamps at the bottom. Resistance to the turning force of the wheel was apparently provided by the brake pressing into the seatstays or chainstays.

There is an advertisement for this brake from Les Annales Sportive de Lyon et du Sud Est, du 20 septembre, 1913 that shows an image more finished than the one in the patent description. There is also mention of the rear brake being positioned at the chainstay near the crankset (sous pedalier). This differs somewhat from the description in the patent which indicates it being positioned at the seatstays.

I suspect that the dimensions necessary for the mounting collar "h" in the patent description had to vary according to both the choice of where the brake would be mounted and the construction of the particular bicycle and fitted individually. At any rate it was not included in the box."
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