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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
Front Derailleurs
Shimano 333Shimano333 Mid 1970's - Early 1980's
Shimano EB-200, TitlistShimanoEB-200 1970's
Shimano Uniglide TitlistShimanoEB-200 Mid 1970's - Late 1970's
Shimano EC-400, Uniglide 400ShimanoEC-400 Mid 1970's - Late 1970's
Shimano ED-100 Thunder BirdShimanoED-100 1974 - ?
Shimano ED-200, Thunder Bird GPOShimanoED-200 1974 - ?
Shimano ED-300, Thunderbird IIShimanoED-300 1970's - ?
Shimano FD-A350ShimanoFD-A350 1980's - ?
Shimano FD-AL11ShimanoFD-AL11 Mid 1980's
Shimano FD-AX50ShimanoFD-AX50 1983 - 1986
Shimano FD-FE12ShimanoFD-FE12 1980's
Shimano Thunder Bird GTOShimanoThunderbird GTO 1974 - ?
Shimano FD-1050, 105ShimanoFD-1050105 1050 Series1987 - 1989
Shimano FD-5500, braze-on, 105 5500 SeriesShimanoFD-5500105 5500 Series1999 - 2005
Shimano FD-5500, clamp-on, 105 5500 SeriesShimanoFD-5500105 5500 Series1999 - 2005
Shimano FD-5501 Clamp-onShimanoFD-5501105 5500 SeriesN/A
Shimano FD-A105, 105 Golden ArrowShimanoFD-A105105 Golden Arrow1983 - 1986
Shimano FD-1055, 105SCShimanoFD-1055105SC1990 - 1992
Shimano FD-1056, 105SCShimanoFD-1056105SC1993 - 1998
Shimano FD-1057, 105SCShimanoFD-1057105SC1993 - 1998
Shimano FD-1057, 105SC (braze-on)ShimanoFD-1057105SC1993 - 1998
Shimano FD-C400, 400CXShimanoFD-C400400CXMid 1990's - ?
Shimano 50, EC-100ShimanoEC-1005001975 - ?
Shimano EC-500ShimanoEC-5005001978 - Early 1980's
Shimano 60, EC-200ShimanoEC-2006001975 - 1976
Shimano FD-6100 600 UniglideShimanoFD-61006001976 - 1982
Shimano FD-6300, 600 AX (clamp)ShimanoFD-6300600 AX1981 - 1984
Shimano FD-6300, 600 AX (braze tab)ShimanoFD-6300 (braze-on tab)600 AX1981 - 1984
Shimano FD-6400-B, 600 UltegraShimanoFD-6400-B600 Ultegra1988 - 1991
Shimano FD-6401, 600 UltegraShimanoFD-6401600 Ultegra1992 - 1997
Shimano FD-6200, 600EX ArabesqueShimanoFD-6200600EX1978 - 1984
Shimano FD-6207, 600EXShimanoFD-6207600EX1984 - 1987
Shimano FD-C700, 700CXShimanoFD-C700700CX1993 - 1995
Shimano FD-AD10, Adamas AXShimanoFD-AD10Adamas AX1982 - 1983
Shimano FD-AT11, Altus-STShimanoEF-100 / FD-AT11ALTUS1979 - Early 1980's
Shimano FD-AT12, Altus LTShimanoEF-110 / FD-AT12ALTUS1978 - Early 1980's
Shimano FD-DE10, DeoreShimanoFD-DE10Deore1982 - 1984
Shimano FD-M650, Deore DXShimanoFD-M650Deore DX M650 Series1990 - 1993
Shimano FD-M650, Deore DX (Endless Band)ShimanoFD-M650Deore DX M650 Series1990 - 1993
Shimano FD-M651, Deore DXShimanoFD-M651Deore DX M650 Series1992 - 1993
Shimano FD-MT62, Deore IIShimanoFD-MT62Deore II1989
Shimano FD-M550, Deore LXShimanoFD-M550Deore LX M550 Series1990 - 1992
Shimano FD-M561, Deore LXShimanoFD-M561Deore LX M560 Series1992 - ?
Shimano FD-M563, Deore LXShimanoFD-M563Deore LX M560 Series1994
Shimano FD-M566, Deore LXShimanoFD-M566Deore LX M560 SeriesN/A
Shimano FD-M567, Deore LXShimanoFD-M567Deore LX M560 Series1995 - 1998
Shimano FD-MT60-AL, DeoreShimanoFD-MT60-ALDeore MT60 Series1988
Shimano FD-M700, Deore XTShimanoFD-M700Deore XT M7001983 - 1986
Shimano FD-M700, Deore XT M700 (2nd Style For Double Halfstep)ShimanoFD-M700Deore XT M7001983 - 1986
Shimano FD-M730, Deore XTShimanoFD-M730Deore XT M7301986 - Early 1990's
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