Component List
(24 found)
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FiltersBottom BracketsShimano
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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
Bottom Brackets
Shimano BB UN-72ShimanoBB UN-72 N/A
Shimano BB-LP27ShimanoBB-LP27 Late 1990's
Shimano BB-UN73ShimanoBB-UN73 N/A
Shimano BB-1050, 105ShimanoBB-1050105 1050 Series1985 - 1988
Shimano 105 Golden ArrowShimano105 Golden ArrowN/A
Shimano BB-1055, 105SCShimanoBB-1055105SC1990 - 1991
Shimano BB-6400, 600 UltegraShimanoBB-6400600 Ultegra1988 - 1992
Shimano BB-6200, 600EXShimanoBB-6200600EXEarly 1980's
Shimano BB-6207, 600EXShimanoBB-6207600EX1984 - 1987
Shimano BB-SL31, Adamas AXShimanoBB-SL31Adamas AX1982 - 1983
Shimano BB-MT60, Deore MT60 SeriesShimanoBB-MT60Deore MT60 Series1987 - 1988
Shimano BB-M730, Deore XTShimanoBB-M730Deore XT M7301987 - 1991
Shimano GB-100, Dura-AceShimanoGB-100Dura-AceEarly 1970's - ?
Shimano BB-7400, Dura-AceShimanoBB-7400Dura-Ace 74001985 - 1992
Shimano BB-7410, Dura Ace 7410ShimanoBB-7410Dura-Ace 74101993 - 1996
Shimano BB-7500, Dura-Ace (Track)ShimanoBB-7500Dura-Ace 75001977 - Mid 1980's
Shimano BB-7700, Dura-Ace 7700ShimanoBB-7700Dura-Ace 7700N/A
Shimano BB-7200, Dura-Ace EXShimanoBB-7200Dura-Ace EX1978 - Early 1980's
Shimano BB-7200 (NJS) Dura-Ace EX for DynaDrive CranksetShimanoBB-7200 (NJS)Dura-Ace EX1980's
Shimano BB-A450, Exage SportShimanoBB-A450Exage Sport1988 - 1992
Shimano BB-A550, RX100ShimanoBB-A550RX1001990 - 1992
Shimano BB-5000, SanteShimanoBB-5000Sante1988
Shimano 6500 BB, UltegraShimanoShimano 6500 BBUltegraLate 1990's - ?
Shimano BB UN-90ShimanoBB UN-90XTR M9001992 - 1993

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