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Country:ItalyPrimary Focus:Bicycles
Years of Operation:1931 - ?
General Information
Benotto is an italian bicycle manufacturer from Torino, Italy.
Benotto built hand-made classic racing bikes.
Benotto was founded by Giacinto Benotto, in Torino, Italy, 1931.
Like so many Italian bike manufacturers of the era, Benotto himself was a passionate racer and had first hand experience of the competitive world of racing.
Giacinto, together with his brother, researched extensively into the development of racing bikes for the future.
In 1948, having read about the newly discovered oil in Venezuela, Benotto was keen to travel to South America to set up his classic bicycle brand and capitalise on this new found area of wealth.
The Benotto brothers reached La Guaira with 200 newly designed Benotto bikes.
Giacinto became a successful bicycle pioneer in a world of cars, and developed the first Venezuelan folding bike, the first tandem and a five person bicycle which became famous through television appearances.
The brand also sponsored a series of successful professional cycling teams : 11 World Championship titles have been won on Benotto bicycles, the most notable being Franscesco Moser in San Cristobal, Venezuela, 1977, and Ole Ritter's hour record in 1968 in Mexico City with 48.653 km.
The production moved to Mexico in the 1980s.
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