Topline Road
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Topline Road
Brand:  Topline
Model:  Road
Years:  Early 1990's - ?
Country:  United States
Weight:  363 grams
Added By: J Carter on 05/29/08
Updated By: JFischer on 11/01/09
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Topline RoadTopline RoadTopline Road
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Chainring CountDoubleBCD 130mm
BB StyleSquare TaperPedal Threads9/16" x 20 (English)
BB Length Flutes None
Lengths 170; 172.5; 175; 177.5; 180Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsnoneBack Markingsnone
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
General Information

Borderline vintage as these cranks first appeared in the early 90's.  These "road" cranks come without landings for an inner chainring, although the pictured set has an inner ring mounted.  A Shimano 115mm spindle length bottom bracket was used, but if mounted as a single chainring the spindle length may need to be shortened for a proper chainline.

Edited from

"Top Line produces a road bike version of their crank arm set, made nearly the same as their famous mountain bike cranks. Each of the arms is turned on a lathe making the smooth and rounded shape. The backside of the arms is milled away slightly. This is so the right arm doesn't interfere with the front derailleur. The top and bottom of each arm is milled with a groove that gradually widens as it moves from the pedal toward the bottom bracket. These grooves reduce the weight of the crankset. The spider is machined from 6.32mm thick aluminum plate. The primary difference in these cranks, naturally, is the spider. On the road version there is no inner chainring & each of the spider arms has the center milled away from the top. The road cranks have same pedal fitting, where the pedal ball is drilled and threaded without piercing through the backside of the arm.  The Road arms are made in Black or High Polished Silver. We found the Road arms to have a Bike-Pro Q measurement of 150mm. The 170mm arm set, with spider in Silver weighs just 363 grams, the 172.5 set weighs 369 grams."

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Brand Information(click to expand)
Originally marketed the Topline crank under the Grafton (John Grafton) name, designer John Trenerry soon renamed his Precision Tooling company to Topline and marketed the cranks under that name directly.
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