Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)
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Category:  Pedals
Name:  Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)
Brand:  Adidas
Model:  Systeme 3
Years:  1988
Country:  France
Added By: steel-is-real on 06/05/09
Updated By: peterbman on 02/27/19
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Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)Adidas Systeme 3 (clipless)
Pedal TypeCliplessPedal Threading9/16" x 20 (English)
Bearing SizeBody / Cage Materials
Axle MaterialSteel  
General Information
Adidas System 3 is a system consisting of shoes and pedals and was invented by Lilian Christol.
She began in 1983 to sketch out this system and there are three patents but not until 1987 with the final design and U.S. patented system came in
production.The system was obsolete at its debut in 1988 and was quickly forgotten. 

Side entry pedal which could be set to easy, hard, or locked release, required matching adidas shoes.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
Adidas is a major German sports apparel company who has made some cycling related pieces through its history. However, cycling is far from its primary focus.
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