Sturmey Archer Twinshift 5-speed
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Category:  Shifters
Name:  Sturmey Archer Twinshift 5-speed
Brand:  Sturmey Archer
Model:  Twinshift
Years:  1960's
Country:  England
Added By: JFischer on 01/05/10
Updated By: JFischer on 01/05/10
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Sturmey Archer Twinshift 5-speedSturmey Archer Twinshift 5-speedSturmey Archer Twinshift 5-speed
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Shifter Type Frame MountedAttachment Style Clamp-On
Shifting SystemsLever MarkingsTwinshift Sturmey Archer England
Lever MaterialPlastics; Steel  
General Information
This is for a special 5-speed rear hub that Sturmey-Archer built in the late 60s. It used one cable on each side of the rear hub. The large white lever controlled the right-hand cable, which acted like the standard 3-speed hub (pulled on the little chain that came out of the right side of the axle). The red lever operated a lever on the left side of the hub that pushed on a pin that came out of the left side of the axle and provided the extra low and high gears. Operation was as follows: Low (1) gear: red lever back, white lever back; 2nd gear: red lever forward, white lever back; 3rd gear: red lever forward, white lever middle; 4th gear: red lever forward, white lever forward; 5th gear: red lever back, white lever forward. (3rd gear would actually work with the red lever in either position.) The rear hub that goes with this shifter is probably extremely rare now
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Brand Information(click to expand)
 Best known for the internal geared (planetary gearing) hub, Sturmey Archer is another one of the most recognized brands in cycling.  The company has been bought and sold several times since it's origins, and at some time was owned by the same parent company as both Brooks and Raleigh.  The company is still in business (well, the name is still in use anyways), and there are still internal geared hubs produced today with the Sturmey Archer name.
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