Specialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence Wolf setup)
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Specialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence Wolf setup)
Brand:  Spécialités TA
Model:  Professional
Years:  Early 1970's - Mid 1970's
Country:  France
Added By: watsondm on 01/18/10
Updated By: peterbman on 04/15/14
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Specialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence WolSpecialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence WolSpecialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence WolSpecialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence WolSpecialités TA Professional 3-arm (Spence Wol
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Chainring CountDoubleBCD 116mm
BB StyleSquare Taper (ISO)Pedal Threads9/16" x 20 (English)
BB Length Flutes Crank Arm; Spider
Lengths 167.5Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsSpecialites T.A. Made in FranceBack Markingstooth size markings (i.e. 49, 44)
Extractor Threading 23x1mm (TA Cranks)  
General Information
In 1977, Spence Wolf of Cupertino Bike Shop build up my Caylor using these TA cranks, with 49 / 44 (for half-step ratio) black anodized chain rings.  The really neat thing about this crank sets is in the chain ring bolt, which uses a little lock washer on the outside part of the chain ring (see photo).  I haven't seen any other crank set that used the lock washers - or maybe they were a Spence Wolf special added attraction.  The crank set traveled through out California, on many centuries, club rides, and an occasional race.  I changed to Campy when I could afford it, but always kept these (as scarred, scratched and worn as they are).
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Specialités TA Professional 3-armSpécialités TA
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First introduced alloy chainrings which were used on a number of other company's crankarms, TA soon move on to producing their own crank arms as well and then expanded into other products.

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