Campagnolo Veloce/Stratos
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Category:  Bottom Brackets
Name:  Campagnolo Veloce/Stratos
Brand:  Campagnolo
Model:  BB-01VL
Years:  1993 - 1994
Country:  Italy
Added By: EhGiOeS on 01/01/13
Updated By: peterbman on 02/28/14
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Campagnolo Veloce/StratosCampagnolo Veloce/Stratos
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Bearing Size/Count per sideCartridgeSpindle Markings
Fixed Cup MarkingsAdjustable Cup Markings
Spindle StyleSquare Taper (Campagnolo)Axle MaterialSteel
Available ThreadingsEnglish/ISO: 1.370 x 24;
Italian: 36mm x 24
Tools NeededCampagnolo BB Tool  
General Information
Black plastic cups black chrome spindle . Came out of a Colnago road bike thought to be early "80's". Could be mountain bike ?

This cartridge BB was OEM when the first Veloce gruppo was introduced in 1993, the cups were described as being made of "techno-plastic" and the spindle had a black oxide coating. In 1994 the Veloce BB was changed to the "11VL-Cart" with alloy cups and the "techno-plastic" BB was moved down to the new Stratos gruppo. In 1995 the short lived Stratos gruppo along with the "techno-plastic" BB cups were replaced with the Mirage gruppo (and a BB  with alloy cups); the "techno-plastic" BB cups were fortunately never seen again.
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