Cinelli 65 Criterium
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Category:  Handlebars
Name:  Cinelli 65 Criterium
Brand:  Cinelli
Model:  65
Years:  1980's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  305.5 grams (avg)
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Added By: JFischer on 07/07/07
Updated By: Walkman-man on 04/13/16
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Cinelli 65 CriteriumCinelli 65 CriteriumCinelli 65 Criterium
StyleDrop-barFinishSatin Anodized Silver
Clamp Size26.4Left Sleeve MarkingsCinelli 65-[bar width]
Right Sleeve MarkingsCriteriumMaterialAluminum
Widths (cm)40; 42; 44Drop (mm)144mm
Reach (mm)82.5mmEnd Stampings
General Information

The model 65 also known as the Criterium, is made using the same tubing as the 64. At the ends, its O.D. is 24.2mm and its wall thickness is 1.7mm. The thickness will vary between the ends based on bends and bulges in the bar. The 65 uses a 100mm long sleeve to build its outer diameter up to the 26.4mm diameter used in a Cinelli stem. The centermost 40mm of the sleeve is knurled for the stem to grip. One of the chief differences between the 65 and the other two Cinelli bars we sell, is the short length of the top section which is just 165mm (6 1/2") long, before each side sweeps into its forward curve. The front face of the forward curve has a groove to recess the brake and shift cables should an aerodynamic brake/shift levers be used. The 65 has a 144mm drop, with the lower flat section being approximately 4.25" long. The 65 is Clear anodized leaving the bar a Silver color and is available in three widths 40 cm, 42 cm, or 44cm. The weight of the 42 cm width Criterium is 313 grams. Made in Italy.

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Brand Information(click to expand)
A true icon in the cycling industry, Cinelli is well known for their stems and handlebars which came as standard equipment on countless quality European brand bicycles, however they are also known to have made some of the most sought after lightweights by collectors and riders alike the world over.  Few brands can meet, let alone exceed, the level of workmanship and ride quality of Cinelli frames, even those from the 1950's.
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WeightSourceNotesAdded By
298 GramsUnknown JFischer
313 GramsUnknown JFischer
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