GB Coureur 66 (springs anchored on pivots, '66' on side of caliper)
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Category:  Brakes
Name:  GB Coureur 66 (springs anchored on pivots, '66' on side of caliper)
Brand:  GB
Model:  Coureur 66
Years:  1963 - ?
Country:  England
Added By: Walkman-man on 05/07/15
Updated By: peterbman on 05/14/15
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GB Coureur 66 (springs anchored on pivots, '6GB Coureur 66 (springs anchored on pivots, '6GB Coureur 66 (springs anchored on pivots, '6
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Design Category Center PullCable AdjusterNo
Quick Release NoAttachment Bolt TypeExterior Nut
Cable Attachment BoltStraddle Cable - Double EndedFront of Arm Markings
Back of Arm MarkingsReach CategoryStandard Reach
Min ReachMax Reach
General Information
These brakes were manufactured from 1963- they seem to be one of GB's rarer models as they're seldom seen. The uncommon reinforced arm pivot design looks like this would increase the brake's rigidity/reduce flexing whilst braking, and cosmetically is a nice change from the norm, with the brake having a cleaner and beefier look than most. However, it also seems that this design has necessitated the pivot spring design to be out of the ordinary too- it's one where basically the spring is only held in place by friction, unlike most other centre pull brakes, so has the potential to fall off in the road (indeed, the pair I have had two of these springs missing, and I've had to manufacture the replacements you can see in the pics!)- which would seem to bear out my above idea that the brake wasn't produced for too long. 
If you own a pair of these, it might be worthwhile to secure the springs by supergluing the ends that fit into holes in the pivot bolts.
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