Mavic 311
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Category:  Headsets
Name:  Mavic 311
Brand:  Mavic
Model:  311
Years:  1984 - 1989
Country:  France
Weight:  102 grams
Added By: Xab on 02/24/22
Updated By: Xab on 03/03/22
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Mavic 311Mavic 311
Body MaterialAluminum; SteelUpper Bearing Size22 - 3/16" (retainer)
Lower Bearing Size22 - 3/16" (retainer)Crown Race SizeISO (26.4mm)
Upper Cup Markingsindication of threading in the lower part of the top assembly (not visible once installed)Lower Cup Markings
Available Threading French (25mm x 1mm)Stack Height 48mm
General Information
The Mavic 311 headset is the French-threaded model in the 310 family (for the Italian/BSC-threading, look up model 312). This is an evolution of the Mavic 300 with steel races and caged bearings.
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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 3)BrandGroup
Mavic 310Mavic
Mavic 312Mavic
Brand Information(click to expand)
 Mavic is best known for its lightweight aluminum rims and complete wheels, which they continue to produce today.  They also produced a full range of drive train components in the past.  Mavic made a failed attempt to popularize an electronic shifting system in the early 90's.
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