Gipiemme aero levers
Main Photo
Category:  Brake Levers
Name:  Gipiemme aero levers
Brand:  Gipiemme
Years:  1980's
Country:  Italy
Added By: JFischer on 09/29/10
Updated By: JFischer on 09/29/10
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Gipiemme aero levers
StyleAeroReturn Spring 
Quick Release NoCable AdjusterNo
Lever Material AluminumLever Markings
Body Material AluminumHood/Body Markings
Attachment Bolt Access  
General Information
Not sure who made these, most of Gipiemme levers are rebranded Modolo, so that would be a fairly safe bet.
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Brand Information(click to expand)

Gipiemme produced components to rival Campagnolo - and were usually cheaper. Gipiemme offers a near complete line of equipment for the discriminating cyclist. The company has been able to do this by incorporating Simplex derailleurs and Modolo brakes into the line.

Simplex licenced Gipiemme to market the Super LJ front and rear derailleurs under the Gipiemme name. Modolo also licenced Gipiemme to market their brakes under the Gipiemme label.

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