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Category:  Seat Posts
Name:  Nitor
Brand:  Nitor
Years:  Mid 1950's - Mid 1960's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  623.7 grams,
weight of saddle and post combined
Added By: peterbman on 02/23/14
Updated By: peterbman on 02/26/14
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Shaft DesignSaddle Attachment Style
Saddle Attachment Bolt Size(s)Overall Length 180mm
Max Height Setback 
General Information
Earlier version saddle marked Unica on one side, Nitor on the other. Later version saddle marked Unicanitor. Shown in 1960 Ron Kitching Everything Cycling catalog, which says this 1960 version "... is now improved by a change in the design of the pillar. The top of the pillar is formed to accomodate [sic] two fixing nuts and bolts to locate through the horizontal slot of the saddle top frame. To allow for a change in the angle of the saddle position the rear bolt passes through a cam incorporated in the top of the pillar, and this cam is revolved to the required position simply by turning the rear fixing bolt head with a spanner... After the required angle has been set, and this can be done to an exact degree, both fixing bolt nuts are tightened to prevent any movement. The shafts of the fixing bolts are squared to correspond with the slots in the saddle frame and pillar cam so preventing any slipping or twisting." Catalog calls it the Unica pillar, and the saddle is Unica-Nitor. Saddle came in black, brown, orange or green, either plain or perforated. The 1963 Kitching catalog shows the next Nitor seatpost version, with a standard two wire design, and referred to as the Nitor 1963 pillar; 1963 catalog also offers the 1960 version for sale.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
The name Nitor is associated with UNICA, hence the name UNICANITOR which is fairly well known.  Unica made saddles and Nitor made posts, and at some point there was a merger. 
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