Record (1991 - 1994)
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Display Name:Record
Group Family:Record
Category:Road Race
Years:1991 - 1994
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General Information
Group Family General Info: The Campagnolo Record name has always signified the ultimate in bicycle component groups.
General Info:Introduced in 1991, the Campagnolo Record group was the first of Campagnolo's groups to include Record Ergopower shifters (released in 1992), integrated brake levers and shifters.  These parts however are not within the focus of this website.  A photo of this part is shown here for completeness, all other parts from this group will be included in the main listing.  In 1991, there was also a very rare 'Century' or black-gray finished version of the Record group. Only 300-500 groups were sent to the United States and is very rare around the world.
Bottom BracketsCampagnolo BB-01RE CART 111, Record1992 - 199410/29/09
Bottom BracketsCampagnolo BB-01RE, RecordMid 1980's - 199510/29/09
Brake LeversCampagnolo Record1994 - ?04/24/16
BrakesCampagnolo Delta, C-Record1986 - 199307/06/07
BrakesCampagolo Delta Gold, Record1990 - 199302/03/09
CassettesCampagnolo CS-8AL, Record Light Alloy1991 - 199310/29/09
CassettesCampagnolo CS-8S, Record Steel1991 - 199310/29/09
CassettesCampagnolo Record Exa-Drive (8sp)1994 - ?06/30/09
ChainsCampagnolo CN-CA68S, Record1991 - ?10/29/09
CranksetsCampagnolo C-Record (1987-1994)1987 - 199407/12/07
Front DerailleursCampagnolo FD-01SRE, Record (91-94)1991 - 199401/13/08
Front DerailleursCampagnolo Record (1990s)1993 - 199408/03/08
HeadsetsCampagnolo HS-01RE, Record1991 - ?05/08/10
HubsCampagnolo Record 8sp1991 - ?10/29/09
HubsCampagnolo Record 8sp (Alloy Cassette Body)1991 - ?10/29/09
PedalsCampagnolo PD-02RE, C-Record PistaLate 1980's - Mid 1990's02/03/09
PedalsCampagnolo PD-12RE QR, Record1991 - 199403/07/08
PedalsCampagnolo SGR-1, Record1988 - 199110/20/07
Rear DerailleursCampagnolo RD-11RE, Record199303/24/14
Rear DerailleursCampagnolo RD-21RE, Record199403/18/14
Rear DerailleursCampagnolo Record (1991)1990 - 199102/20/10
Seat PostsCampagnolo C-Record (Aero type, 130mm)1986 - Mid 1990's07/29/10
Seat PostsCampagnolo C-Record (Aero type, 210mm)1986 - Mid 1990's07/06/07
ShiftersCampagnolo Record 8-Speed, RecordEarly 1990's - ?09/17/14
ShiftersCampagnolo SL-01RE CG, Record1992 - 199401/13/08
Shifting Brake LeversCampagnolo EC-02RE CG, Record199205/21/09
Shifting Brake LeversCampagnolo EC-12RE CG, Record199305/21/09
Shifting Brake LeversCampagnolo EC-22RE CG, Record Carbon199401/05/10
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