Weyless Touring
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Category:  Pedals
Name:  Weyless Touring
Brand:  Weyless
Years:  N/A
Country:  United States
Weight:  267.1 grams (avg)
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Added By: gizmologist on 11/15/07
Updated By: peterbman on 04/12/14
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Weyless TouringWeyless TouringWeyless TouringWeyless TouringWeyless TouringWeyless Touring
Pedal TypeQuillPedal Threading9/16" x 20 (English)
Bearing SizeBody / Cage MaterialsAluminum Alloy
Axle MaterialSteel  
General Information
Dynamite pedals.  Style theoretically taken from the Bob Reedy design, but the Reedy pedals were more boxy in the X-form aluminum body. Very good pedals - both for touring and club racing. This set here looks well used, because they were.  Rode them through out Turkey and into the Montana mountains.  Some Weyless advertisement photos show the quill attached using what appears to be a small hex nut.  Others (and mine) reflect the use of phillip's head set screws. As noted in the picture, I set these up using Christophe molded plastic toe clips - in the 80s, those were "popular."  At least they didn't rust and lasted forever.  Another neat thing about the Weyless was they attached with a 6mm allen wrench - made for a very smooth looking attachment to the cranks.

You are right about the cages wearing.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
Weyless was founded by a colorful individual named Lester Tabb, a multimillionare who ran a Mint in Greenwich Conn.  Born in Brooklyn, Tabb was later called a power hungry, bipolar lunatic in a book written by his son George. Anyway, Tabb began riding an Olympia bike in 1972 and got very excited about bikes and riding.  He rode Cinelli rollers in the Winter but wanted to make a better set of rollers with steps on the side to ease mounting.  Weyless was founded and in addition to the rollers Tabb's company manufactured a variety of nicely made components designed by Bill Shook.  Tabbs cycling business venture downfall came when he added clothing to the mix.  The clothing was made of wool that was supposed to not shrink.  The wool shrank, the clothes fit poorly, and this basically did the firm in.  Tabb moved his family south and remodeled Tara, the home from Gone with the Wind.  Eventually it is rumored, that Tabb ended up in jail as a result of some weird Florida real estate shenanigans.  His son George gained success as a writer chronicling his disfunctional family life in a memoir titled Surfing Armageddon - Fishnets, Fascists, and Body Fluids in Florida.
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WeightSourceNotesAdded By
267.1 GramsSpecWhen equipped with track cages according to Weyless add at URL: http://www.velo-pages.com/main.php?g2_itemId=24866. watsondm
267.1 GramsSpecWhen equipped with track cage according to URL: http://www.velo-pages.com/main.php?g2_itemId=24866. watsondm
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