Mavic 610 Series
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Category:  Bottom Brackets
Name:  Mavic 610 Series
Brand:  Mavic
Primary Group:  Zap
Model:  610 Series
Years:  1980's - 1990's
Country:  France
Weight:  298.5 grams (avg)
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Added By: nprenet on 11/11/07
Updated By: MGTS on 07/26/17
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Mavic 610 SeriesMavic 610 SeriesMavic 610 SeriesMavic 610 SeriesMavic 610 SeriesMavic 610 SeriesMavic 610 Series
Bearing Size/Count per sideCartridgeSpindle Markings
Fixed Cup MarkingsMavic - FixeAdjustable Cup MarkingsMavic - Mobile
Spindle StyleSquare Taper (ISO)Axle MaterialSteel
Available ThreadingsNo threadingLength(s)
Tools NeededFacing tools.  
General Information
This bottom bracket was designed to be used even if the threads of the bottom bracket shell were damaged. The whole cartridge body slid into the shell and it used two angled lockrings to hold it in place. It required that the edge of the shell be chamferred for a secure press fit. Mavic made this tool briefly and it's availability is quite limited
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Component Groups
Primary Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
Zap ZMS 8000MavicView 11 Components
Details:   The Mavic ZAP group was one of the first attempts at an electronic shifting mechanism for bicycles.  The attempt, however, was a near complete failure with multiple major problems with the design of the rear derailleur as well as limited battery life being major contributers.  Regardless of these problems, a recent ebay auction of a complete ZMS 8000 group sold for over $1500, most likely for it rarity and to be added to a collection rather than actually used.
Brand Information(click to expand)
 Mavic is best known for its lightweight aluminum rims and complete wheels, which they continue to produce today.  They also produced a full range of drive train components in the past.  Mavic made a failed attempt to popularize an electronic shifting system in the early 90's.
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WeightSourceNotesAdded By
317 GramsUnknown JFischer
280 GramsActual116mm MGTS
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