Selle San Marco Concor Light Karbonio
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Category:  Saddles
Name:  Selle San Marco Concor Light Karbonio
Brand:  Selle San Marco
Years:  1990's - ?
Country:  Italy
Weight:  171 grams
Added By: Walkman-man on 08/02/16
Updated By: Walkman-man on 08/02/16
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Selle San Marco Concor Light KarbonioSelle San Marco Concor Light KarbonioSelle San Marco Concor Light Karbonio
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Base Material PlasticCovering Material Synthetic, Textured
Rail MaterialCarbonWidth13cm
Length15.5cmRail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing)
General Information
You will possibly need to check if your seat post's cradle binding bolt is long enough when fitting this saddle- its rails are carbon, this design necessitating that the tubular shape these normally come in has had to be swapped for a taller and oblong one (to match the strength of metal used in this context), and subsequently have around twice the depth of the tubes, so requiring a substantially longer bolt to be used.
Interestingly, the carbon rails have a date stamp just for themselves, the standard saddle date stamp appearing as normal on the base.
There are also two other variants of the Concor Light, one with ti rails, the other with cro mo ones- see the other entries on the database.
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