Component List
(15 found)
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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
Maillard front hub with fork clipsMaillard 1980's
Maillard M30 (fixed/free)Maillard N/A
Maillard Normandy (high flange, round holes)Maillard 1950's
Maillard Normandy Luxe Competition (red label, high flange)Maillard N/A
Maillard rear drum brakeMaillard N/A
Maillard AtomMaillard1210LN N/A
Maillard HelicomaticMaillardHelicomatic 1980's
Normandy Luxe Competition (gold label)MaillardLuxe Competition Late 1960's - Early 1970's
Normandy Luxe Competition (red label, low flange)MaillardLuxe Competition (Red Label) Mid 1970's - Early 1980's
Normandy Sport (high flange, oblong holes)MaillardNormandy Sport N/A
Maillard Normandy (high flange, oblong holes)MaillardSport Mid 1960's - Early 1980's
Maillard 600 CXMaillard600 Maillard 600Mid 1980's - ?
Maillard 700, Professional (large flange)Maillard700ProfessionalMid 1970's - Mid 1980's
Maillard 700, Professional (low flange)Maillard700ProfessionalMid 1970's - Mid 1980's
Maillard 700, Professional Pista (large Flange)Maillard700ProfessionalMid 1970's - Mid 1980's

Selle San Marco
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