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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
Geared Hubs
Bayliss-Wiley 3-speed (30's-40's)Bayliss-Wiley Late 1930's - Late 1940's
Bendix 2-speed coaster brake hubBendix N/A
Bendix Automatic Yellow BandBendixAutomatic Model B 1960's
Brampton 140-1Brampton140-1 Early 1950's - Mid 1960's
BSA Three SpeedBSA ? - 1955
Durex DurexDurexDurex 1950's
Fichtel & Sachs 415Fichtel & Sachs415 1962 - 1984
Fichtel & Sachs Modell 515Fichtel & SachsModell 515 1962 - 1975
Fichtel & Sachs Modell 55Fichtel & SachsModell 55 1955 - 1962
Hercules Cycle & Motor Co. B TypeHercules Cycle & Motor Co.B Type N/A
Sachs 3x7Sachs N/A
Sachs Torpedo Duomatic Model 102Sachs#102 1964 - 1970
Sachs Torpedo Duomatic Model 102 & Model 101Sachs#102 1964 - 1973
Sachs 415Sachs415 N/A
Sachs Elan/ E12SachsElan/ E12 1996 - 1999
Super SevenSachsH7203 1992 - Current
Sachs Torpedo Duomatic Model R2110 & Automatic Model A2110SachsR2110  1974 - 1983
Sachs Spectro P5SachsSpectro P5 1987 - Current
Shimano 333 3-speed internalShimano333 1970's
Shimano 333KCShimano333KC N/A
Shimano 3CCShimano3CC N/A
Shimano CB-100 Coaster Brake B-TypeShimanoCB-100 1975 - ?
Shimano SG-3530ShimanoSG-3530 N/A
Shimano TB-100 Three Speed HubShimanoTB-100 1975 - ?
Shimano TC-100 Three Speed Coaster BrakeShimanoTC-100 1975 - ?
Shimano model changeShimanoSG - 2S10model change hub1982 - 1984
Shimano CB-400ShimanoCB-400Motocross MXLate 1970's
Shimano CB-410ShimanoCB-410Motocross MXLate 1970's
Steyr "Sears Model 503.231"Steyr503.21 N/A
Sturmey Archer Type AB Wide Ratio with BrakeSturmey ArcherAB 1938 - ?
Sturmey Archer AC Close Ratio 3-speedSturmey ArcherAC 1948 - 1960
Sturmey Archer AF, Close Ratio 4-speedSturmey ArcherAF 1935 - 1941
Sturmey Archer AG, Wide Ratio 3-speed DynohubSturmey ArcherAG 1930's - 1983
Sturmey Archer AM Medium Ratio 3-speedSturmey ArcherAM 1930's - ?
Sturmey Archer ASC 3 speed fixed hubSturmey ArcherASC 1930's - 1959
Sturmey Archer AWSturmey ArcherAW N/A
Sturmey Archer AW (ribbed case)Sturmey ArcherAW 1936 - 2000's
Sturmey Archer AW (smooth case)Sturmey ArcherAW 1936 - 2000's
Sturmey Archer FC, Close Ratio 4-speedSturmey ArcherFC 1930's - ?
Sturmey Archer FG (4-speed dyno)Sturmey ArcherFG 1950's - ?
Sturmey Archer FM Medium ratio 4-speedSturmey ArcherFM 1939 - ?
Sturmey Archer FW, Wide Range 4-speedSturmey ArcherFW 1930's - ?
Sturmey Archer Type KB-4Sturmey ArcherKB-4 Late 1930's - ?
Sturmey Archer KS5 3-speedSturmey ArcherKS5 1930's - ?
Sturmey Archer S2Sturmey ArcherS2 1966 - 1970's
Sturmey Archer S3C geared coaster hubSturmey ArcherS3C 1970 - 1988
Sturmey Archer SABSturmey ArcherSAB N/A
Sturmey Archer SW, Wide Ratio 3-speedSturmey ArcherSW 1950's - ?
Sturmey Archer TF 2 speed fixed/freewheelSturmey ArcherTF 1933 - 1942
SunTour 3-speedSunTour N/A
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