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As a wiki style project, VeloBase members can add and edit content, comment and vote on vintage cycling components, frames, bicycles, head badges, tools and much more. The goal of the website is to provide a comprehensive database of vintage cycling knowledge for reference purposes. Information that can be useful for everything from restorations, to general maintenance, to researching cycling parts of the past.
The items listed in the VeloBase.Com Knowledgebase Collection are not for sale. All items are submitted by users for informational purposes only. VeloBase.com now includes a Marketplace where you will find items for sale. Only those items within the Marketplace are currently For Sale or Trade. If you are looking for a hard to find part not listed within our Marketplace, may I suggest looking at the eBay Seller list on this site for a list of eBay sellers who regularly have many vintage cycling components for sale. Please read the Copyright Policy page before uploading photos which are not your own.
If someone has uploaded an image which belongs to you, please report it through the site, or email me with the name of the component(s) and I will remove or give credit as requested.
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