Data Statistics
Components by Category
Bottom Brackets: 188Brake Levers: 316Brakes: 673Cassettes: 42
Chainrings: 117Chains: 96Cranksets: 594Freewheels: 231
Front Derailleurs: 420Geared Hubs: 53Handlebars: 189Headsets: 236
Hubs: 478Pedals: 396Rear Derailleurs: 812Rims: 349
Saddles: 480Seat Posts: 236Shifters: 386Shifting Brake Levers: 34
Single Sprockets: 16Small Parts & Accessories: 846Spokes: 8Stems: 322
Tires: 231Wheel(sets): 38    
Components by Brand where collection is of at least 5
Components by Decade Introduced
Component Groups by Brand
Components Added and Updated by Month

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