OMAS Superlight
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Category:  Headsets
Name:  OMAS Superlight
Brand:  OMAS
Model:  Superlight
Years:  N/A
Country:  Italy
Weight:  95 grams
Added By: JFischer on 11/15/07
Updated By: aronjancso on 08/27/12
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OMAS SuperlightOMAS SuperlightOMAS SuperlightOMAS Superlight
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Body MaterialAluminumUpper Bearing Size30 - 1/8" ball bearing
Lower Bearing Size30 - 1/8" ball bearingCrown Race Size
Upper Cup MarkingsOMAS - S.Lazzaro Di Savena - Bologna - ItalyLower Cup MarkingsOMAS - S.Lazzaro Di Savena - Bologna - Italy
Available Threading English/ISO/Italian (25.4mm x 24TPI)Stack Height 
General Information

The OMAS I used was OK, but nothing special.  It did seize on one occasion, and getting it out of the frame was a real chore.  The interesting thing about the SuperLite was the configuration of the bearings.  Like most of the headsets of the time, the bearings were caged, but OMAS (I think they were the only ones) caged their bearing in molded plastic (see photos).  Not sure how much that contributed to their lightness, but it was a good marketing ploy.  I think the Campy Record is far superior.  Also, my OMAS was black anodized, which lasted all of about 1 year.  I've never seen anodizing wear so quickly...  Turned into a strange color - sort of brownish.
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