Miyata CO2 cartridge assembly
Main Photo
Category:  Small Parts & Accessories
Name:  Miyata CO2 cartridge assembly
Brand:  Miyata
Years:  Late 1980's - Early 1990's
Country:  Japan
Added By: Elev12K on 12/01/11
Updated By: peterbman on 03/27/15
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Miyata CO2 cartridge assembly
Part Type CO2 cartridgesIdentifying Markings 
MaterialLocation under the downtube
General Information

Miyata CO2 cartridges, cartridge holder and adapter piece (sometimes with a 2nd adapter for the schrader valve). You mount the assembly under the downtube. Miyata frames came with a special m5 fitting.

Instructions in Japanese.

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Brand Information(click to expand)
 One of the major manufacturing companies in Japan, Miyata has produced frames under their own name, as well as many others such as Univega.  Miyata is also known for drawing it's own steel tubing and being one of the pioneers of triple-butted tubing.  The Miyata 1000 from the mid-1980's is regarded as one of the best off-the-shelf touring bicycles ever produced and are still sought after today.
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