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Category:  Saddles
Name:  Unicanimex
Brand:  Unicanimex
Years:  Early 1970's - Late 1970's
Country:  Mexico
Added By: Wolfram Verktyg on 02/20/10
Updated By: Wolfram Verktyg on 02/20/10
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Base Material PlasticCovering Material Leather
Rail MaterialSteelWidth5 3/4"
Length9 3/4"Rail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing);
Saddle Clamp
General Information
This is a Mexcian made Unicanitor knockoff. These types of saddles were available with several different brand names including Windsor and maybe even "Mexicantor". Some Windsor bikes came with the Windsor marked saddles. They probably all came from the same manufacturer. The earliest ones were of questionable quality but this example was reasonably well made. I've seen these saddles without a leather cover, with a cover and no padding plus this one with about a 1/4" of foam padding. They had tension adjusters in the nose, probably to compensate for lower quality plastic than what was used in the original Unicanitor saddles. Lambertini brand marketed some of these plus a number of other knockoff Italian products. They were probably sold through West Coast Cycle.
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