Fiamme Sprint
Main Photo
Category:  Rims
Name:  Fiamme Sprint
Brand:  Fiamme
Primary Group:  Sprint
Years:  Early 1950's - Late 1960's
Country:  Italy
Added By: Dawes-man on 12/12/11
Updated By: Dawes-man on 12/12/11
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Fiamme SprintFiamme Sprint
Rim Type TubularMaterialAluminum
Rim Size27" (630 mm)Spoke Drillings28; 32; 36; 40
Label MarkingsRed label, Brevetto Longhi & CERCHIO FIAMME / Stamped BREVETTO LONGHI, FIAMME & MADE IN ITALY.Valve DrillingPresta
Rim Height (mm)11.5mmRim Outer Width (mm)20.5mm
EyeletsDoubleSeam Joint Pinned
Wheel Lacing Data
Rim Size: N/AERD: N/A
General Information
Commonly used by clubmen in the UK in the 1950s.  According to the entry for this maker on Classic Lightweights, they had a ferruled valve hole in the 50s but were non-ferruled from the beginning of the 60s till the mid-60s, and the stamping changed to just FIAMME & ITALY from the early to mid-70s.

Although always referred to as 27" rims in the UK, they are actually 700/622mm.

Although very similar, the labels on these rims changed from black and gold on red in the 1950s to black and yellow on red from the 1960s.  The photos above show a pair of 32/40 hole rims from the 1950s.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
 Best known for bicycle rims, they also made stems and handlebars.
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