Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)
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Category:  Hubs
Name:  Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)
Brand:  Campagnolo
Primary Group:  C-Record
Model:  321/101
Years:  1985 - 1990
Country:  Italy
Added By: martl on 06/29/08
Updated By: JFischer on 10/29/09
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Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)Campagnolo 321/101, C-Record (High Flange)
Gear Compatibility FreewheelFront Bearing Size/Count3/16" 9x9
Rear Bearing Size/CountRear Spacing126mm
Spoke Drilling24; 28; 32; 36; 40Flange SizeHigh Flange
Gear Threading/Pattern English/ISO: 1.375 x 24 TPI;
French: 1.366" x 25.4 tpi;
Italian: 1.378" x 24 tpi
Body Markings
Axle MaterialSteelShell MaterialAluminum
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Variations of Component exist (Component is 1 of 2)BrandGroup
Campagnolo 322/101, C-RecordCampagnoloC-Record
Component Groups
Primary Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
Corsa RecordCampagnolo1985 - 1990, Road RaceView 31 Components
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