Vittoria Superlight (steel)
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Category:  Pedals
Name:  Vittoria Superlight (steel)
Brand:  Vittoria
Years:  N/A
Country:  Italy
Weight:  200 grams
Added By: steveinjava on 07/26/08
Updated By: peterbman on 04/12/14
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Vittoria Superlight (steel)Vittoria Superlight (steel)Vittoria Superlight (steel)Vittoria Superlight (steel)
Pedal TypeQuillPedal Threading9/16" x 20 (English)
Bearing SizeBody / Cage Materials
Axle MaterialSteel  
General Information
Called Superlight- These certainly were! The steel axled model weighed 200 grams.
Sadly I only ever saw somebody else riding these a man called Dave Sayers from Leicester who had a bike WeightWeenies would dream about.
They seemed to survive for a while which the design doesn't suggest as I saw him using them over a period.
There was a Titanium axle version which weighed 150 grams- including the (plastic) toeclip bolts!
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Vittoria SuperLight (titanium)Vittoria
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