MAFAC Competition (Braze-On)
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Category:  Brakes
Name:  MAFAC Competition (Braze-On)
Brand:  MAFAC
Model:  Competition
Years:  1970's - 1980's
Country:  France
Added By: JFischer on 07/06/07
Updated By: JFischer on 11/04/09
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MAFAC Competition (Braze-On)MAFAC Competition (Braze-On)
Design Category Center PullCable Adjuster
Quick Release Yes - Straddle CableAttachment Bolt TypeDual Post Braze-on
Cable Attachment BoltWrenchFront of Arm MarkingsCompetition Mafac
Back of Arm MarkingsReach CategoryStandard Reach
Min ReachMax Reach
General Information
Unique set of brakes that I found on this website: Note: the braze-on adaptation was not made by Mafac. It was proposed as an option on some handmade bikes (such as Herse) or high-end factory bicycles made to order, like the Peugeot PY10 shown in the picture.  Intro date is approx, tried to find out if these were available before 1970 but little information is out there.
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MAFAC Competition (Early version)MAFAC
Brand Information(click to expand)

MAFAC, or Manufacture Auvergnoise de Freins et Accessoires pour Cycles, was a French manufacturer of bicycle brakes, tool kits, and racks. MAFAC was founded in post-war France under the name "Securite" which was changed to MAFAC in the fall of 1947. Initially MAFAC manufactured cantilever brakes, brake levers, and tool kits. Later MAFAC brakes were of a center-pull design where a cross cable links the two arms of the brake, which is actuated by pulling from the center of this cable. MAFAC's rubber brake hoods, originating in the late 1940's, had built-in adjusters, allowing a rider to adjust the brakes while riding. Additionally the center-pull brakes were of a design that allowed them to clear fenders, front rack mounts, handle bar mount bags, and large tires. This versatility made MAFAC brakes one of the most popular models from the late 1950's through the 1970's. The ability to clear larger diameter tires also led to the use of MAFAC brakes on many of the earliest mountain bikes, including one of the first package-built mountain bikes, the 1982 Specialized Stumpjumper. The center-pulls were solid brakes and were well made, but were relatively inexpensive. This put MAFAC in the enviable position their components being specified on everything from the highest end race bikes to run of the mill bikes. The lack of exclusivity in the brand, however, may have contributed to MAFAC's disappearance in the 1980's.

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