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Display Name:Premier
Category:Road Race
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General Information
 The Premier groupset contained some of the very best of what Ofmega could do. Some people would argue that the Premier group beats even the innovative Mistral groupset to Ofmega's top spot.

The rear derailleur, which came in two colour forms, is a work of art. The colour forms are those with polished aluminium throughout or those with slate grey knuckles. The design does draw some influences from the Shimano Crane but the lines and smoothness of the design is uniquely Ofmega. The front derailleur looks light and modern. It, too, comes in the same two colour forms. Some gearsets came with Ernesto Colnago's signature pantographed onto them.

The crankset follows the CX and Competizione sets but has no fluting. It retains the classic look of a Campagnolo Nuovo Record clone.

The build quality of all of the components is very high, with some authors stating that, at the time, even Campagnolo couldn't match it.
Front DerailleursOfmega Premier1980's09/04/07
Rear DerailleursOfmega Premier1984 - ?10/20/07
ShiftersOfmega Premier (1st generation)N/A01/05/17
ShiftersOfmega Premier (2nd generation)N/A01/05/17
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