Sachs-Huret ARIS
Short Name:Sachs-Huret ARISYear Introduced:1987
Speed Range:5sp-8spIndexed Component:Shifter
General Information
ARIS stands for Advanced Rider Index System, derailleur design is basically a copy of the Shimiano Dura-Ace 7400 series.  Also marketed under the Regina name for a time period.  Like the SunTour Accushift system, an overshift is built into the shift lever, the ARIS system has a 2mm overshift which shifts the chain beyond the cog and then lets it move back into position once the shift is completed.  Like the Shimano SIS system, the ARIS design utilizes a floating guide pulley which allows the guide pulley to center itself under the sprocket when it is not perfectly aligned.   
Shifting System Component Variations
NameCategoryGearingYear Introduced
5sp Sachs-Huret ARISShifters5sp1987
6sp Sachs-Huret ARISShifters6sp1987
7sp Sachs-Huret ARISShifters7sp1987
8sp Sachs-Huret ARISShifters8sp1987
Sachs-Huret ARISRear DerailleursN/A1987
Component List
Generally in Indexed systems, either the shifting or the derailleur component contains the indexing logic. Here is a list of components currently on which utilize the Sachs-Huret ARIS shifting mechanism.
Component NameModelGroupCompatibility
Sachs Huret ARIS ClassicAris Classic 30006sp Sachs-Huret ARIS
Sachs Huret ARIS New Success (type 1)MA85.5/4EARIS New Success6sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; 7sp Sachs-Huret ARIS
Sachs Huret ARIS New Success (type 1)MA85.5/4EARIS New Success7sp Sachs-Huret ARIS
Sachs Huret ARIS New Success (type 2)ARIS New Success7sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; 8sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret Rival Aris Classic 3000MA82.4/3EAris Classic 30008sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret Rival SportRival Sport7sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; 8sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; Retro-Friction
Edco Competition (by Sachs)Competition6sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; 7sp Sachs-Huret ARIS
Regina America 1992America 19927sp Sachs-Huret ARIS; 7sp Shimano SIS; Friction
Rear Derailleurs
Sachs Huret Aris Classic 1500Aris Classic 1500Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret Aris Classic 2500Aris Classic 2500Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret Aris Classic 3000Aris Classic 3000Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret ARIS New SuccessRD RN500ARIS New SuccessSachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret ARIS New Success47.2DNew SuccessSachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret ARIS RivalARIS RivalSachs-Huret ARIS
Sachs Huret New Success ARIS TouringAR 47.2TSachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret Rival 7000RD R7000Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Sachs Huret Rival SportAR 41.3 DRival SportSachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Regina America 1992 (by Sachs)AmericaAmerica 1992Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
Regina Strada 1992 (Sachs)Strada 1992Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction; Shimano SIS; Shimano STI
Sachs 60006000Sachs-Huret ARIS; Friction
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