Cinelli Priest
Main Photo
Category:  Handlebars
Name:  Cinelli Priest
Brand:  Cinelli
Model:  Priest
Years:  1980 - Early 1980's
Country:  Italy
Added By: JFischer on 11/28/07
Updated By: Sukhoruchenkov on 02/19/17
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Cinelli PriestCinelli PriestCinelli PriestCinelli PriestCinelli PriestCinelli PriestCinelli PriestCinelli Priest
StyleUpright / North RoadFinishSatin Anodized Silver
Clamp Size26.4Left Sleeve MarkingsCinelli (or only "C" on the reissue)
Right Sleeve MarkingsCinelli (or "C" on the reissue type)MaterialAluminum
Widths (cm)54cmDrop (mm)
Reach (mm)End Stampings
General Information
The flat bar Cinelli Priest, designed 1980 on demand of Pope John Paul II for his white Colnago.  Very rare item. 

The very rare earlier version was engraved with the full name "Cinelli" on both sides. The small shim in this version was prone for a loose clamp area between the shim and handlebar. 
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Brand Information(click to expand)
A true icon in the cycling industry, Cinelli is well known for their stems and handlebars which came as standard equipment on countless quality European brand bicycles, however they are also known to have made some of the most sought after lightweights by collectors and riders alike the world over.  Few brands can meet, let alone exceed, the level of workmanship and ride quality of Cinelli frames, even those from the 1950's.
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