Component List
(38 found)
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Component NameBrandModelGroupYears 
Brake Levers
TriplexTriplex N/A
TriplexTriplex N/A
Front Derailleurs
TriplexTriplex N/A
Triplex (triple)Triplex N/A
Triplex (TRIPLEX in block letters on cage)Triplex N/A
Triplex (TRIPLEX in oval on cage)Triplex N/A
Triplex (Triplex in script letters on cage; two holes on cage)Triplex N/A
Triplex ExtraTriplex N/A
Triplex Sport (with cable housing stop)Triplex N/A
Triplex SportTriplexSport 1970's
Triplex Profesional (block letters on cage)TriplexProfesionalProfesional1970's
Triplex Profesional (script letters on cage)TriplexProfesionalProfesionalLate 1970's - 1980's
Rear Derailleurs
Triplex (incised letters)Triplex 1985 - ?
Triplex (incised letters; black body)Triplex N/A
Triplex (painted letters)Triplex N/A
Triplex ExtraTriplex N/A
Triplex SpecialTriplex N/A
Triplex TITriplex N/A
Triplex XLTriplex N/A
Triplex CS (long-cage)TriplexCS 1980's - Late 1980's
Triplex SportTriplexSport 1970's
Triplex ProfesionalTriplexProfesionalProfesionalMid 1970's - ?
TriplexTriplex N/A
Seat Posts
TriplexTriplex N/A
Triplex Aero (C-Record copy)Triplex Early 1980's - Early 1990's
Triplex (Record copy)Triplex 1970's
Triplex (smooth w/ knurled edge)Triplex 1970's
Triplex (smooth)Triplex N/A
Triplex ExtraTriplex N/A
Triplex ExtraTriplex 1970's - 1980's
Triplex Profesional (script lettering)TriplexProfesionalN/A
Triplex Profesional (smooth)TriplexProfesionalLate 1970's - ?
Small Parts & Accessories
Triplex water bottleTriplex N/A
Triplex water bottle (Euskatel)Triplex N/A
Triplex water bottle cage (alloy)Triplex N/A
Triplex water bottle cage (plastic, type 1)Triplex N/A
Triplex water bottle cage (plastic, type 2)Triplex N/A
Triplex Cable GuidesTriplexCable GuidesMid 1960's - Mid 1970's

Chater Lea
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